Enhancing GraphQL with Tailcall DSL

Lokendra Kushwah
4 min readFeb 11, 2024



Tailcall DSL takes your GraphQL knowledge to the next level by introducing custom operators that provide powerful compile-time guarantees, ensuring tight and robust API composition. These operators simplify data structures, enable caching, embed constant responses, and facilitate integration with various APIs.

List of Custom Operators:

1. @addField

This operator simplifies data structures and queries in GraphQL schemas by adding a field that inline or flattens a nested field or node. It modifies the schema and data transformation process, simplifying nested data access and presentation.

For example, consider a schema with a User type and an Address type. By applying @addField to the User type with a specified path to the street field within the Address type, the operator creates a new street field in the User type and omits the Address type from the schema.

Additionally, @addField handles nullable fields in the path and supports indexing for arrays. This allows for more granular control over data fetching, such as accessing specific elements within arrays.

2. @cache

This operator enables caching for queries, fields, or types in GraphQL schemas.

For example, applying @cache(maxAge: 3000) to a posts query caches the entire result for 3000 milliseconds. When applied to a type, such as User, @cache applies to all fields unless overridden by separate @cache directives on specific fields.

Caching works by running the resolver once and storing the result in memory for the specified maxAge duration. After expiration, the resolver is rerun to fetch the latest value, which is then cached again.

3. @const

This operator in GraphQL enables embedding a constant response directly into the schema. It allows specifying a constant value for a field, ensuring that the provided value matches the type of the field at compile time.

If the provided value doesn’t match the field’s type, a descriptive error message is displayed in the console. This operator simplifies schema definition and provides compile-time validation for constant responses.

4. @modify

This operator in GraphQL allows for flexible alterations to the attributes of fields or nodes within a schema. It provides two main functionalities:

  1. name: This argument allows renaming a field or node in the schema. It’s useful when the field name in the data source differs from the desired schema field name. For example, @modify(name: "userId") renames the field from id to userId.
  2. omit: With this argument, fields or nodes can be excluded from the schema. It’s beneficial for keeping certain data hidden from clients. For instance, @modify(omit: true) ensures that the field is not included in the schema and remains inaccessible to clients.

5. @server

This directive in GraphQL offers a range of server configurations to tailor the behavior of the server and optimize performance for various use cases. It allows fine-tuning of settings such as the number of worker threads, server port, caching behavior, and GraphiQL IDE availability.

Key configurations include:

  • workers: Sets the number of worker threads for the server.
  • port: Specifies the port on which the server runs.
  • cacheControlHeader: Controls the transmission of Cache-Control headers in responses.
  • graphiql: Enables the GraphiQL IDE for query development and testing.
  • vars: Defines local variables for server operations.
  • introspection: Governs whether introspection queries are permitted.
  • queryValidation: Specifies whether incoming GraphQL queries should be validated against the schema.
  • responseValidation: Validates responses received from upstream services.
  • responseHeaders: Adds custom headers to server responses.
  • globalResponseTimeout: Sets the maximum duration for query execution before termination.
  • version: Defines the version of HTTP to be used by the server.
  • cert and key: Specifies paths to certificate and key files for HTTPS.
  • batchRequests: Enables batching of multiple requests into one to reduce server round trips.

6. @upstream

This directive in GraphQL allows precise control over various aspects of the connection to upstream servers. It provides settings such as connection timeouts, keep-alive intervals, and proxy configurations. Key options include:

  • poolIdleTimeout: Sets the time before closing idle connections.
  • poolMaxIdlePerHost: Specifies the maximum number of idle connections per host.
  • keepAliveInterval: Determines the interval between keep-alive messages.
  • keepAliveTimeout: Sets the time before closing if no keep-alive message is received.
  • keepAliveWhileIdle: Controls whether keep-alive messages are sent while idle.
  • proxy: Specifies an intermediary server for routing requests.
  • connectTimeout: Sets the time before timing out while establishing a connection.
  • timeout: Sets the maximum time for a response.
  • tcpKeepAlive: Determines the interval for TCP keep-alive messages.
  • userAgent: Specifies the User-Agent header for HTTP requests.
  • allowedHeaders: Specifies which HTTP headers are permitted to be forwarded.
  • baseURL: Defines the default base URL for APIs.
  • httpCache: Activates HTTP caching mechanisms.
  • batch: Specifies batch settings such as maxSize, delay, and headers.


Tailcall DSL’s custom operators elevate GraphQL API composition to new heights, offering enhanced flexibility, performance, and reliability. By leveraging these operators, developers can streamline data handling, optimize server behavior, and seamlessly integrate with diverse external services, unlocking a world of possibilities for building robust and efficient APIs.



Lokendra Kushwah

20 | UI/UX Designer ✦ Frontend developer | 2nd year CSE student | Open Source Contributor🚀, Currently learning React JS & Backend Development